Decoding Features of Load Cells: What Do These Technical Terms Mean?

Load cells are specialized instruments used in multiple industries. They are sensitive enough to assess force and accurately map this force to produce electrical signals. These electrical signals then help in measuring force. Since load cell applications have to be precise, load cell suppliers build them with several technical features to maximise efficiency. However, when you buy a new load cell and read about its features, you may find it hard to understand what all these terms mean. That is why this blog is all about breaking down the technical terms of load cell features for your convenience and understanding.

Where to Find Feature Details for your Load Cell?

While buying a load cell, it is vital to check out its features and understand their implications for performance. You can locate the feature details in the manual, booklet, or PDF accompanying your load cell. If you want to buy an s-type load cell, for example, you should go to the manufacturer's website and look at the specifications. The page for your chosen product is likely to have a summary of its salient products. Alternatively, you can download a virtual brochure for the product with details like features, performance data, and applications.

Understanding Feature Terms for your Load Cell

The following terms encompass some leading features of different load cells. While each of these features may not be present in every type of load cell, these terms will help you understand some principal aspects of load cell design. These terms are as follows.

        In-built Lightning Protection: If you see this feature listed in the manual for your new weighbridge or compression load cell, you might feel confused. Why does a load cell need protection from lightning? Many load cells work under overvoltage conditions and require an additional layer of protection from the risk of lightning strikes. Hence, if you want a load cell for weighing vehicles or situations involving high voltage applications, you must look for this feature in your load cell manual.

        Low Deflection: Deflection is the ability of a load cell to bend whenever anything with force is loaded or removed. While deflection is sometimes necessary to assess force, unmitigated deflection can compromise the accuracy of readings. Hence, high-quality instruments for specific applications like a shear beam load cell may require a low deflection design.

        Low Creep: Creep refers to the tendency wherein load cells produce fluctuating output in response to a constant load. Creep occurs even when all factors in the surrounding environment remain constant. Low creep is vital for the preciseness of a load cell design. Hence, this is a feature you must look for while purchasing your load cells.

        Low Profile Design: Low profile designs in load cells are useful for compact measurements. Low profile designs are beneficial for fitting into compact locations and accurately gauging force.

Now that you know these features, you can go shopping for your load cell with enough knowledge about what their features mean. If you are searching for reliable load cell manufacturers in Pune, you can check out Sensomatic Load Cell because they have the best range of high-quality load cells here.


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